this is a page that is essentially just a bunch of lists of things that i would like to eventually get to enjoying some day! while i'm often very busy with working on Something that's creatively demanding, there are ever-growing lists i have of stuff that i know i Want to get into playing, or watching, or reading, or whatever, but i likely Won't any time soon because i keep getting so damn busy with said creatively demanding stuff! so, as a fun little idea, why not share these lists to you all so you know what i'm interested in tackling some day?
as i work through the backlog, however, i may include a little bit at the top of this page that more or less goes over the Essential stuff that i've been super into! essentially the current thing that's taking so damn long to wipe from The Backlog. hell, i may even include a few notes along with the current things i'm really into or am in the middle of trying to see through fully, just as an idea of how i feel about it so far (though that may be more suited for other sites, honestly, so don't bet on that...)
additionally! anything that i Am in the middle of trying to get through will be ourple, and if you see anything that is in grey, then i did *start* it, but i ended up never coming back to it for a long enough time that i can't really consider it something i'm Actively into at the moment. and if i finish it, well, it's struck off the list! i think that's simple enough.
now, feel free to explore these Backlogs as you wish ...